On November 6, 2012, the Holy Spirit spoke to Elder Duplessis, ''A church is not a building made by man’s hands; but it is the people of God. There is a church and Ecclesia/Ekklesia is her name. I'll give you the people, if you do what I say."
On December 2012, she began her first journey by way of Tel Aviv to Old and New Jerusalem the Capitol of Isreal, after visiting the Nine Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Temple Mount, the Isreal Museum-Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, King David’s Tomb and the City of David, the Upper Room on the southern end of Mount Zion in Jerusalem, the Pool of Siloam/Salome, Bethlehem, Jericho & Jordan River, Masada, the Dead Sea, Caesarea, experiencing Shabbat with Dinner in Jerusalem, and the Sabbath, the vision manifested. While visiting Israel the "Holy Land", God show her many things, but one thing began to resonate with her. She became drawn to a woman by the name of Helen the Empress; it impressed her to know she built five churches, in the early days of Christianity. One in Bethlehem where Christ was born and another in Jerusalem. She built five, he only asked Elder to build one. Helen was also strong in "sowing seeds in the Ministry. Elder thought to herself; "I don't have her wealth but, my God I have just as much determination, faith, and love. And if God says, 'I can, I can!' " Upon returning home from Jerusalem, she knew what she had to do. She did not know how, but she must try. "I must make one step and trust God to do the rest."
Then, she searched and prayed, searched, and prayed, searched, and prayed, for a building, "If you show me a place, then, I will know it's time to go." God replied, "excuses, excuses, excuses! I have said this before to an old man by the name of Isaiah, down in the sixth chapter; ‘who shall go for me, and who shall I send? And she answered, “Lord, Here Am I send me’ ".
It was back in 2009; God came to Elder Duplessis and Elder placed God on hold. She would say, "When I retire from the military, I'll do what you say." Well, as human nature would have it the emotional part of her would produce all kinds of excuses.
On March 17, 2013, at age 49, Elder Simone Michele Duplessis officially announced to Holy Trinity Christian Baptist Church congregation that God has released her from the "training ground" located at 1727 Erie St., New Orleans, La. 70114, to begin a mighty work, in planting the seed in the Ministry of the Gospel in which God has entrusted to her and she desire for Bishop Patrick L. Leonard's blessings. Reluctantly, Bishop Leonard signed the written request giving her his blessings. No later than ten days there was another written request by twenty-six members, which included her son and oldest nephew along with twenty-four others (all letters are preserved in archive and on display) for historical reasons. They all were informed prior to departure, to pray and seek God's face for the divine decision for their spiritual life.
We began meeting at I.H.O.P. on the Westbank Expressway and Ryan's on Lapalco Blvd., holding Sunday school and church meetings. We begin seeking for a building to hold Worship Service. Unfortunately, the price or the size of the building was not right! So, we continued to meet at I.H.O.P. and Ryan's. The “Living Temple of God” continue growing they followed her as she followed Christ. She felt like this because the twenty-six members did not know the name or location of the church. What they knew was they had assembled themselves together. They were called out and set apart. God had a great people, a suitable place, with a great purpose to do a magnificent work in the Ministry of the Gospel.
On March 24th, 2013 (Palm Sunday) and we are at Ryan's we had forty plus in attendance along with one visitor. At the end of Sunday school, the body was introduced to the church’s name. After discussing, the body was asked, "Do you think you can live up to the church name. It is a name to be affiliated with Ecclesia of Christ Fellowship Center. Ecclesia/Ekklesia means the "called out", the assembly of, and the congregation of Christ. We must walk, talk, and live the life of the called-out believers in Christ. This church is threefold; spiritual, education and training, and business. We continued to look for a building. We found three distinct locations only to outgrow them before we had a chance to hold service. God was confirming what he said, in ''Acts 2:47, He will add to the church daily that which should be saved':
At some point and time EOC experienced a natural and spiritual slumber. All the work just came to a screeching halt. The work on the Temple just stopped. No warning, no reason. Schism was trying to raise its ugly head. The people disagreed. Pastor Duplessis came to the church one Saturday and laid before the Lord. She prayed for God to lead, guide, direct, protect and assist her in the awakening of His people. When she arose from worshipping, she told every one of the members of the church, "Do not come to the church for anything." We all stayed away, until we were cleared to return. When we were allowed to return to the church, it was as if God himself had taken His hand and began to work in this place. When we walked through the building, we were so amazed. It was a transfiguration of the "old man versus the new man". It was a beautiful glimpse of heaven. She donated to the temple a total of $50, 000.00 plus, covering all the expenses of the restoration cost.
Later loaning the church $17,000.00, to secure the purchase of over 1.333 acre of land at 3737 Wall Blvd., New Orleans, La 70114. Pastor Duplessis has shown her love and dedication to God and the people that he has entrusted to her, for the last eight years she has not taken a salary, even though the leaders voted on paying her a monthly Pastoral Housing Allowance. For our first year Pastor's anniversary she gave all her Monetary Appreciation Blessings totaling $2000.00 to the church to begin phrase two of the vision. She loves to quote King David, "I live in a palace but, I worship God in a tent". She always reminds us, "You weren't ask to buy the broom but can you sweep the floor, you weren't ask to buy the carpet but, can you vacuum the carpet, you weren't ask to buy the banner (flag) but, can you hang it up and take it down, can you at least give your reasonable service. Because God has truly blessed us all!"
She is the original Founder, Teacher, Preacher, Pastor, CEO, President of EOC. As the leaders would say, “nobody loves EOC like Elder does". "Elder teaches us this is not her church nor is it ours, even though we've been taught it is ours by membership, hers by stewardship and God's by ownership. God entrusted His people and the ministry to her. "Elder has no friends when it comes to God and/or the church". God's business comes first, and “it will be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40, KJV).
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